6/30/2018: Families Belong Together Rally in Courthouse Square, Santa Rosa. Leslie organized this rally to protest the inhumane treatment of children and families at the border. Leslie brought loads of Post-it notes and participants wrote their thoughts, frustrations, and hopes on them and then attached them onto the Luther Burbank poles in the Square.
Community Events
Leslie Graves will be at the following local community events and looks forward to meeting you!
2/19/2024 7:00 PM
National Organization for Women - Sonoma County Branch Candidate Forum
Watch the Candidate Forum hosted by Sonoma County NOW.
Oakmont Democratic Club Meeting hosted by Standing for Justice
Where: East Rec Center in Oakmont 7902 Oakmont Drive
Info: 6:30 social/7:00 program
Hear from County Supervisor D1 Susan Gorin, Sonoma County Demcoratic Party endorsed Candidate for County Supervisor D1 Rebecca Hermosillo, and Leslie Graves - Demcoratic candidate for Central Committee as well as learn about the 3 judicial races, local measures G & H and State Prop 1.
2/23/2024 5:30 PM
Sonoma County Democratic Party 36th Annual Crab Feed & Fundraiser
Where: SR Memorial Vets Hall
1351 Maple Ave, Santa Rosa
Tickets & Info:
Cocktail Hour/Silent Auction:
5:30 pm-7:00 pm
Dinner/Program: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Guest Speaker:
Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas
2/24/2024 7:00 AM
Beer City Half Marathon
Where: A Place to Play
Reg & Info:
Are you participating in this event? Drop Leslie a note on the contact page of this website and let her know. Leslie is the Race Announcer for the start and finish line and would love to give you a shout out!
Leslie has been announcing at local races and events throughout the Bay Area for over 15-years! Another way Leslie supports community.
Please note: This is not a political event
2/24/2024 7:00 PM
Gay Comedy Night hosted by TLC Child & Family Services & Sonoma County Pride
Where: Barrel Proof Comedy 7902 Oakmont Drive
Door: 6:oo pm/Show 8:00p
Tickets/Info: tlc4kids.ejoinme.org/gaycomedyspring24tickets
Please note: This is not a political event
Sonoma Valley Democrats Meeting
Santa Rosa Democratic Club Meeting
Lunar New Year Celebration
Museum Sonoma County
Teddy Bear Bingo w/
RR Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
The Morning Show on KSVY 91.3 FM
No outside campaign donations will be accepted for this campaign. This is a reverse donation campaign. In the spirit of how Leslie has volunteered in Sonoma County for over 20 years by providing time to local events and organizations when not having funds to donate, Leslie encourages you to volunteer either to an organization you would like to see succeed in 2024 or for a candidate you believe in. Leslie would love to have your support as a volunteer or through your endorsement - go to the contact page to reach out today.
Understanding that for some folks donating is more accessible to them than volunteering, below are a few links to favorite organizations. Let's support community!